
株式会社テンクー(本社: 東京都文京区、代表取締役: 西村邦裕、以下 テンクー)は、H.U.グループホールディングス株式会社(本社: 東京都港区、代表執行役: 竹内成和、以下 HUグループ)の連結子会社である株式会社エスアールエル(本社: 東京都港区、代表取締役: 松本誠、以下 SRL)との間に次世代ゲノム・オミクス医療* における解析サービスの創出を目的とした戦略的提携に関する基本合意を締結し、また、HUグループのコーポレート・ベンチャーキャピタル機能を担うMSFキャピタルパートナーズ合同会社(本社: 東京都港区、職務執行者: 北村直樹、以下 MSF)を引受先とする第三者割当増資を実施しましたので、お知らせいたします。






※ゲノム・オミクス医療: ゲノム医療は、個人の遺伝子情報を、がん・難病をはじめとした疾患の予防、診断、治療、予後予測などに活用する医療分野として急速に発展しています。オミクス医療はDNA、RNA、タンパク質、代謝物など、あらゆる生体分子を包括的に解析し、その情報を医療に活用する手法です。ゲノム医療をオミクス医療まで発展させるゲノム・オミクス医療は、一人一人にきめ細かく合わせた次世代の精密医療の実現を推進すると期待されています。



Genomic Medicine x AI Startup Xcoo,Inc. has formed with H.U. Group Holdings, Inc.
a business and capital alliance founded on the mutual commitment toward providing analytical services
in the field of next-generation genomics and omics medicine.

Tokyo, Japan, October 23, 2023 — We are pleased to announce that Xcoo, Inc. have reached a memorandum of understanding with SRL, Inc., a subsidiary of H.U. Group Holdings, Inc., with the aim of creating analysis services in the field of next-generation genomics and omics medicine*. Additionally, we have conducted a third-party allotment of new shares to MSF Capital Partners G.K. taking on the role of H.U. Group’s corporate venture capital function.

The Background and Purpose of the Capital Business Alliance

For over the last decade, we have been an active contributor in the vastly developing field of genomic medicine. Through our endeavors we remain committed to be the catalyst for the social adaptation of genomic information based precision medicine.

Since 2019, when insurance coverage for cancer gene panel testing (comprehensive cancer genome profiling) was put in effect, the clinical application of genomic medicine appears feasible in the upcoming years. However, even with this pivotal medical implementation, there will still remain a large population unable to appreciate its benefits. This group includes patients with variations of cancer that cannot be elucidated by traditional panel testing, as well as those diagnosed with rare and intractable diseases that remain untreatable. To combat these challenges, whole-genome sequencing (WGS) is viewed as the paradigm shifting innovation for personalized medicine, which has invoked government led initiatives such as the Action Plan for Whole Genome Analysis of Japan.

We possesses industry leading information technologies capable of analyzing and visualizing genome sequence data generated by next-generation sequencers. With these advanced tools paired with our reporting technology to automatically collect, organize, and report information related to genetic variants and diseases, we provide assistance to healthcare professionals in clinical settings. H.U. Group and SRL possess unique qualities such as their nationwide sample collection network, testing techniques from sample receipt to analysis using next-generation sequencers, and highly automated operational capabilities. Through collaboration between Xcoo and SRL, we aim to promote the creation and clinical implementation of next-generation genomics and omics medical diagnostic systems that assist in medical decisions such as drug efficacy prediction, prognosis prediction, monitoring, and prevention. Additionally, Xcoo has strengthened its financial foundation through investment from MSF.

Through this partnership, Xcoo, SRL, and H.U. Group plan to jointly provide a one-stop whole-genome analysis service from sample receipt to reporting in an effort to assist patients with diseases and the healthcare professionals who care for them. We are dedicated in our contribution to the development of next-generation genomic and omics medicine as well as our growth as a business enterprise.

※ Genomic and Omics Medicine: Genomic medicine is a rapidly advancing field that utilizes an individual’s genetic information to be able to prevent, diagnose, treat, and prognose various diseases, including cancer and rare diseases. Omics medicine encompasses comprehensive analysis of various biomolecules such as DNA, RNA, proteins, and metabolites, and leverages this information for medical purposes. Genomic and omics medicine, which extends genomic medicine to omics medicine, is expected to promote the realization of personalized precision medicine, offering the potential for the next generation of finely-tuned healthcare.

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